To get to the Official Site, click here: http://www.darkages.com
Starting Notes:
While most use of this game is free to the players, most of the more important features of the game are only available to those who pay for a registered account. Unregistered players stop gaining experience at level 99, cannot perform many quests, and many in-game features such as religion and tradeskills are restricted. Those who pay for auto-renewal registration also frequently recieve bonus game-cash to spend on accessories and practical items.

Since you are reading this, I am going to assume that you are completely new to Dark Ages (DA). Firstly, if you want to learn a little bit more about DA, there are the following pages:
For the story line of DA, click here: DA Story
For a bit of background information, click here: DA Background Info
Now that you know (if you read them) a little bit more about DA, I assume that you will want to see what the game actually looks like. So if you want to view some screen shots, check out the official screenshots page: Dark Ages Screenshots.

To download the game (no, you can not get it on CD) click here: DA Download. The game is approximately 164MB, which can either be downloaded as one big file (not recommended for slow connections), or downloaded in eight 20.7MB files (recommended for people with slow connections).
Note: Once you install the game, before running it I recommended pressing [Window key] + [r] to bring up a Run command. Type the location where you installed the game (typically C:/Program Files/KRU/Dark Ages/) and click [OK]. Double-click on

Now that you know all about Dark Ages, I'm sure you'd like to play it :). To do that, the first thing you will need to do is create a character in-game. Once the character is created, you can enjoy the game immediately. Keep in mind, until you are registered there will be many features unavailable to you.

To create a new Account for Dark Ages, you will need to purchase and redeem a Registration Coupon. All new accounts will receive an initial bonus of 1000 Kruna (Play money used to purchase accessories and practical items for your character). You will be able to add up to 5 characters to your account. To create your account follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Purchase a Registration Coupon at the Coupon Shop
Step 2: Redeem your Registration Coupon at the Coupon Manager
Step 3: After your coupon has been validated, proceed with making your new account. You will then be given an Account ID and password.
Step 4: Lastly, you will need to add your unregistered character(s) to your new account at the Account Manager
Your character will become fully registered!

With Kruna, you can purchase many fascinating items that can be used in Dark Ages. To purchase Kruna for an account:
Step 1: Purchase a Kruna Coupon at the Coupon Shop
Step 2: Login to the Item Shop by entering your Account ID and password.
Step 3: Redeem your Kruna Coupon by clicking the Kruna Account button at the very top of the Item Shop page.
Now you can start shopping!
For more information on how to use the Item Shop, check out the Item Shop Manual